
Sunday, March 25, 2018


This post and the next two go along with Gospel Doctrine lesson 11: "How Can I Do This Great Wickedness?" and lesson 12: "Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction".

I've divided up the chiasms from the life of Joseph into three parts. This week you can read Joseph in the Book of Genesis I.

Joseph's bloody coat of many colors is shown to his father Jacob - by Ford Madox Brown

When you read this part of the Old Testament you may wonder if Potiphar (Genesis 39:1) and Poti-phera (Genesis 41:45,50) were the same person.

Let me say they are most likely two different men, and leave it at that. There is a Whole World of Woo Woo on the subject out there on the Internet. I recommend you leave well enough alone and not go there.

What did you learn in the Book of Mormon today?

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