
Sunday, May 27, 2018


This post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 19, The Reign of the Judges. Please see my article, Chiasms in Judges.

Here's a table showing the number of years in each section of the narrative. If you add up the years in the table below, they total MORE than the number of years between the death of Joshua and Saul becoming King of Israel (470 versus 334 years). Some of the periods must overlap. Notice how many of these periods are factors or multiples of forty. Why? These periods may be somewhat artificial. For an interesting discussion of the number 40 in the Bible, see Meaning of Numbers in the Bible.

Oppression – Cushan-rishathaim    
Judges 3:8
Judges 3:11
Oppression – Eglon, king of Moab
Judges 3:14
Judges 3:30
Oppression – Jabin, king of Hazor
Judges 4:3
     Deborah – Barak (Righteous)
Judges 5:31
Oppression – The Midianites
Judges 6:1
     Gideon (Righteous)
Judges 8:28
Abimelech's rule
Judges 9:22
Judges 10:2
Judges 10:3
Oppression – The Ammonites.
Judges 10:8
Judges 12:7
Judges 12:9
Judges 12:11
Judges 12:14
Oppression – The Philistines
Judges 13:1
Judges 15:20; 16:31
Eli – Priest in Shiloh
1 Samuel 4:18
Samuel – The Ark in Kirjath-jearim
1 Samuel 7:2

Read the Book of Mormon.


When I opened my Old Testament Blog to upload today's post I found this message:

This must be the Blogger GDPR notice, but it does NOT appear in my blog. So I hereby take it on myself to inform my readers.

I posted the following three articles about the GDPR on Facebook on Thursday, May 24. The GDPR went into effect on Friday, May 25.

Grant Cottam
May 24 at 11:07am

Tomorrow the GDPR goes into effect. This article explains it. Today I got YELP's new Privacy Policy email, and over the past month or so I've gotten PP emails from many other services and groups I use.

This article claims the GDPR is a step forward in safeguarding your Privacy, but when I read YELP's PP document, what I got out of it is that YELP will "share" your information with unspecified "third parties" and will even allow unspecified "third parties" to gather their own information from you with cookies and by other methods.

And there ain't anything y'all can do about it, short of shutting down your modem and router.

Here's why you've been getting so many privacy policy and terms of service updates lately

All those updated privacy policy notices in your inbox are coming from a new European internet privacy law.


Grant Cottam
May 24 at 11:10am

This is what the New York Times has to say about the GDPR.

What the G.D.P.R., Europe’s Tough New Data Law, Means for You

The European Union is introducing the G.D.P.R, some of the strictest online privacy rules in the world. The aim is to give internet users more control.


Grant Cottam
May 24 at 11:17am ·

Watch Joanna Stern's WSJ video on MSN. Then get started reading those nearly 400 pages of Privacy Policies.

To Read New GDPR Privacy Policies You'll Need a Football Field

Those updated privacy policies flooding your inbox due to Europe's GDPR compliance deadline on May 25 are so long that if you print out the ones from 30-some most-used…

I'm going to assume this Post complies with Blogger's GDPR requirement.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


This post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 18, "Be Strong and of a Good Courage". Please see my article, Chiasms in Joshua.

In an earlier post I mentioned the false notion that Moses had horns, and how strange it is that literally hundreds of paintings and sculptures depict this mistranslation. It is equally interesting to discover there are hardly any paintings of the Battle of Jericho, arguably the most famous Old Testament battle. There are lots of Bible Art illustrations, but almost nothing you'd call art. See the Wikimedia collection, which has two Tissot paintings and a panel from the front doors of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, which are replicas of Lorenzo Ghiberti's doors in the Florence Baptistry.

Instead of a painting, here is a timeline of the Conquest of Canaan. There are lots of these online to choose from, and the dates, as I've repeatedly pointed out, tend to differ from one to the next. Just pick the timeline that tickles your fancy.

1406 BCGod Commissions Joshua1
1406 BCRahab Welcomes the Spies2
1406 BCThe Israelites Cross the Jordan3-5
1406 BCConquest of Jericho and Ai6-8
1405 BCKings Join Against Israel9
1405 BCThe Sun Stands Still10
1405 BCNorthern Palestine Defeated11-12
1399 BCLand Allotted Among the Tribes13-22
1375 BCJoshua's Farewell Address23-24

Jericho has been occupied since about 9,000 BC, almost at the beginning of the Holocene. Abundant water springs in and around the city made it an attractive place to live. Wars, earthquakes, and accidental conflagrations repeatedly knocked everything down and people rebuilt on top of the rubble. A mound or "tell" slowly grew at the site. At the time of the Conquest, the total area enclosed by the upper mudbrick walls—the citadel or fortress—was only about 325 feet by 800 feet, much smaller than most people probably think, and would have housed about 1,200 people. When threatened, people living in the surrounding areas would have fled to the fortress for protection. See Answers in Genesis and Wikipedia for more information.

Watch Dr. Fink's interesting Tell es Sultan video.

Read a chapter or two from the Book of Mormon.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


This post honors Mother's Day. Please see my article The Women of the Old Testament. I compiled it for Mother's Day in 1998. I spent several hundred hours on this. I hope you will enjoy reading it.

My mother, Virginia Shirley Spencer, was born on July 18, 1919, and died on March 13, 2005. My mother's mother, Mae Listman, was born on January 17, 1895, and died on April 15, 1956. She taught me how to drive.

Me, my mother, and my grandmother Mae.

My grandparents divorced and my grandfather remarried. My other grandmother was Dorothy Sherwin. She was born on April 7, 1905 and died on December 18, 1987.

My mother, me, and my grandmother Dorothy.

Of all the people I've known who have passed beyond the veil, these three women are the ones I'm most looking forward to seeing again when I "shuffle off this mortal coil".

Happy Mother's Day.

P.S.—Don't forget to read your Book of Mormon.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


This post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 17, "Beware Lest Thou Forget". Please see my article, Chiasms in Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy 6:7 has a great message about Scripture study.

Read the Book of Mormon with your children. Do it today.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


This post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 16, "I Cannot Go Beyond the Word of the Lord". Please see my article, Chiasms in Numbers II.

Balaam Prophesies the Glory of Israel by James J. Tissot.

Take a look at BYU Magazine's Spring 2018 article An Experiment upon the Word. What is your favorite page in the Book of Mormon? Page 329, which describes the character of Moroni, is one of my favorites.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


This post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 15, "Look to God and Live". Please see my article, Chiasms in Numbers I.

Now is a good time to open your Book of Mormon, no matter what time it is, and read something.