
Sunday, June 3, 2018


This is a special post showing how Jesus Christ is found throughout the Old Testament in prophecies and in "types" and "shadows". Please see my article Types of Christ.

The words "types" and "shadows" do NOT appear in the King James Bible. [The word "shadow" is used 68 times in the Old testament, but, as far as I can tell, never in the sense intended by this Post.] This is one of the truths restored through The Prophet Joseph Smith. Students of the Bible in all religions today, however, talk about the "types" and "shadows" of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. This seems to be one restored teaching that has caught on even though it is true.

There are lots of really good sectarian videos online that discuss this subject. Here are four that you might enjoy watching. The image above comes from one of them.

Daniel John (1:07:41).
Amir Tsarfati (50:22).
Robert Breaker (1:00:30).
James Bynum (50:26).

If you watch these, you'll discover that my article is far from complete.

Have you read a chapter or two in your Book of Mormon today?

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