
Friday, February 23, 2018


This 6th post goes along with Gospel Doctrine lesson 4. "Because of My Transgression My Eyes are Opened".

In 1999 I put together a harmony of the scriptural accounts of The Fall of Adam and Eve.

About ten years before that, I collected quotes by general authorities about The Fall to try to better understand Eve, the conflicting commandments she and Adam were given, and the true nature of what happened in the Garden of Eden.

Many people believe The Fall was a mistake—a failure of God's Plan—and that the Atonement of Jesus Christ was needed as some kind of stop-gap fix. Many people have a very low opinion of Eve because of her part in The Fall.

I hope this article will clear up some of these misconceptions.

This is Thomas Cole's Expulsion from the Garden of Eden (c. 1828). Open this picture to see it in full size!

About two years after Cole painted the above painting, the Book of Mormon was published. I wonder if Cole ever read it? What about you?

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