
Sunday, April 15, 2018


This post accompanies gospel doctrine lesson 13, Bondage, Passover, and Exodus. This lesson is based on selected events from Exodus 1 through 15. See my article "Bondage, Passover, Exodus" on Google Drive or OneDrive.

When was the Exodus? Here is the first page of the 2013 LDS King James Bible Chronology.

In my "Chronology of the Patriarchs" article on Google Drive or OneDrive, I used 1491 BC as the date of the Exodus. In the Chronology of the Patriarchs post itself, I gave a list of dates for the birth of Abraham taken from various authors. 1491 BC is no better than any of the others. I use it in the timeline below merely to give you some idea about how long ago these events took place.

What, then, were the events of the Exodus?

I'll cover the first half of this timeline today, and the second half next week.

Up until now I've included ALL the Hebrew poems I know about from my years of collecting them on the internet. After Exodus, I plan to only show the BEST chiasms from the material.

I hope you are faithfully reading your Book of Mormon every day.

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