
Sunday, April 22, 2018


This post accompanies gospel doctrine lesson 14, "Ye Shall Be a Peculiar Treasure unto Me". This lesson is based on selected events from Exodus 15 through 40. I cover some of the chiasms in these chapters in Exodus Chiasms II.

The Ten Commandments Written by the Finger of God by Arnold Friberg.

Latter-day Saints believe the two sets of tablets contained different material. The first set contained the full Gospel, with the covenants and ordinances of the Melchizedec priesthood. The Israelites showed by the Golden Calf incident that they were not ready for the Gospel, so the second set of tablets contained the Law of Carnal Commandments, which was administered by the lesser Aaronic priesthood. See articles about the Law of Moses in the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, in the Bible Dictionary, and in the Guide to the Scriptures.

Moses fights Amalek by Michelangelo.

Many paintings, and even statues, show Moses with "horns". The KJV translation of Exodus 34:29-35 tells us that when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the stone tablets, "the skin of his face shone". Some Bible translations render this as "his face had horns". Read a good explanation in Jonathan Lipnick's article at Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. See a collection of depictions of a horned Moses in art on YouTube.

Why do you suppose people are so quick to grab onto something that is nonsense and at the same time ignore things of real significance? (See Matthew 23:24.)

To help clear YOUR head of ideas about Moses with horns coming out of HIS head, be sure to read your Book of Mormon.

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