
Friday, October 12, 2018


This 72nd Post shows three "Isaiah" chiasms in the Book of Mormon.

Isaiah was arguably the greatest prophet of the Old Testament. Lehi and Nephi lived about as long after the time of Isaiah as we live after the time of Joseph Smith. The way we feel about Joseph Smith was matched by the way Nephi felt about Isaiah. Nephi quoted Isaiah extensively, as I showed in Post #68. If you look at the footnotes in the Book of Mormon, you'll see that Isaiah fades from the Nephite record as time goes on, replaced by the great Nephite prophets.

See my article about the Isaiah Chiasms in the Book of Mormon.

"Reading and pondering the Book of Mormon and other scriptures brings spiritual-mindedness. The Lord has instructed: "Let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your mind" (DC 43:34), and "treasure up in your minds continually the words of life" (DC 84:85). (Ezra Taft Benson "Lord, Increase Our Faith," Provo Utah Tabernacle Rededication, 21 September 1986.)

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