
Thursday, July 26, 2018


This is the third of eight parts of my Harmony of the material in 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, and parts of Isaiah and Jeremiah: Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles Part III.

These thirty pages contain parts of 1 Kings (chapters 1-7), 2 Samuel (chapter 23), 1 Chronicles (chapters 22-29), and 2 Chronicles (chapters 1-3).

One thing you'll have noticed is that there are long stretches where the narrative exists in only one of the two sources. It is safe to say that a LOT of material has been lost. It is probable that parts of the original writing have been removed from BOTH versions.

Another thing to notice is that there are never more than two side-by-side versions of the narrative. Compare that to the four parallel versions of the Gospels.

Finally, the book I chose to put on the left determined the order of things on the right. I chose Samuel before Kings, and Kings before Chronicles, because that's their order in our KJV Old Testament. If I'd put Chronicles on the left, the narrative might be in a slightly different chronological order.

"Ten or fifteen minutes a day with the scriptures, and particularly with the Book of Mormon, can give you marvelous understanding of the great eternal truths which have been preserved by the power of the Almighty for the blessing of His children. As you read of the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will draw closer to Him who is the author of our salvation." Gordon B. Hinckley.

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