
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


In this 39th post I'm introducing a topic that may upset some of you. There is undeniable evidence from many different scientific disciplines that man has been on this planet for several tens of thousands of years. They looked like us, wore clothing, used fire, had language, culture, and religion, and displayed all the other trappings of modern men. They lived here long before Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden.

During the rest of the year I'll be publishing articles I've compiled about the various time periods recognized by modern archaeology, paleontology, and other sciences, such as Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, and so on.

I'll introduce this topic with an article I published in another blog I had in 2008, Darwinism: People Before Adam and Eve".

Here is a table of the posts in this series.

Post 4240000 - 10000 BC
Post 4510000 - 9000 BC
Post 489000 - 8000 BC
Post 518000 - 7000 BC
Post 547000 - 6000 BC
Post 576000 - 5000 BC
Post 605000 - 4000 BC
Post 624000 - 3000 BC
Post 643000 - 2000 BC
Post 662000 - 1000 BC
Post 691000 - 900 BC
Post 71900 - 800 BC
Post 74800 - 700 BC
Post 76700 - 600 BC
Post 78600 - 500 BC
Post 80500 - 400 BC
Post 82400 - 300 BC
Post 84300 - 200 BC
Post 86200 - 100 BC
Post 88100 - 1 BC
Post 90The Intertestamental Period

I encourage you to read your Book of Mormon and pray about it. If you do so with faith in Jesus Christ, with sincerity, and with real intent (to do something about the answer), your testimony will be strengthened.

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