
Wednesday, December 12, 2018


This 90th post is a Bibliography of the sources of my collection of chiastic materials.

This list is almost entirely made up of articles I gathered thirty years ago. Some of the authors no longer have a web presence. I've tried to find links to as many of them as possible. I'm certain many new investigators have material online that isn't in my collection. I've included links to a couple of other bibliographies that I found while I was compiling my list.

Today I like to document everything, but thirty years ago I was just interested in finding new chiasms, and for the most part I didn't record who discovered and diagrammed each one. Chiasmus Exchange, by Stephen Palmer, and Bible Literary Structure, by Hajime Murai, two of my main sources, mostly don't say where they got their material either. Nos autem culpant.

“The normal way of dealing with the Book of Mormon ‘scientifically’ has been first to attribute to the Book of Mormon something it did not say, and then to refute the claim by scientific statements that have not been proven” (Hugh Nibley, "Since Cumorah," 2nd ed. [Provo: FARMS, 1981], 214.).

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