
Sunday, December 9, 2018


This 89th Post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 45, "If I Perish, I Perish".

This lesson includes material from Daniel 1, Daniel 3, Daniel 6, Esther 3-5, and Esther 7-8.

See my collections of Chiasms in Daniel, and Chiasms in Esther.

“Moroni did not promise a manifestation of the Holy Ghost to those who seek to know the truth of the Book of Mormon for hypothetical or academic reasons, even if they ‘ask with a sincere heart.’ The promise of Moroni is for those who are committed in their hearts to act upon the manifestation if it is received. Prayers based on any other reason have no promise because they are not made ‘with real intent’” (Dallin H. Oaks, Pure in Heart [1988], 19–20).

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