
Sunday, December 30, 2018


This 98th penultimate Post discusses the four hundred year period between Malachi and John the Baptist (the last prophet of the Old Testament), known as The Intertestamental Period.

Posts 82, 84, 86, and 88 covered the ancient history of this same period, but here we will discuss in greater detail events that affected the part of the world known as Judea (or Judæa): Israel, the Northern and Southern kingdoms, Palestine, and the Hasmonean empire, among other names.

Instead of the usual Book of Mormon quote, I offer you the following.

In October 2018 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson invited us to read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year and "mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior." I accepted this invitation. Here are my References to Christ in the Book of Mormon. I put these references into a spreadsheet. I can email it to you if you are interested. Just ask.

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