
Sunday, December 23, 2018


This 94th Post accompanies Gospel Doctrine lesson 47, "Let Us Rise Up and Build".

Material from Ezra and Nehemiah is included in this lesson. Haggai is not included in the Gospel Doctrine lessons.

In about 457 BC, Ezra was sent to Jerusalem by king Artaxerxes to teach the laws of God. In about 445 BC, Nehemiah and Haggai were sent to tell the Jews to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and the Temple. (Some sources place Haggai nearly a hundred years earlier.)

See my collections of Chiasms in Ezra, Chiasms in Nehemiah, and Chiasms in Haggai.

"I promise that as you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions - every day. I promise that as you ponder what you study, the windows of heaven will open, and you will receive answers to your own questions and direction for your own life. I promise that as you daily immerse yourself in the Book of Mormon, you can be immunized against the evils of the day, even the gripping plague of pornography and other mind-numbing addictions." (Russell M. Nelson.)

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